Details on the industry lunch session can be found below. Register for these sessions via the online registration form. 



Time: 12:30-13:30

Location: Murray Room, Level 1, National Convention Centre Canberra

Session title: Showcasing psychiatry innovation practice in Victoria

Session speakers: Dr Lee Allen, Assoc Prof Paul Robertson, Dr Evan Symons, Dr Nardine Elzahaby

Session synopsis:  Join industry leaders and the Department of Health, Victoria in an exciting discussion about the developments as we progress Victoria’s mental health reform agenda.  Facilitated by Dr. Lee Allen and followed by an interactive Q&A session, topics will include the following:

A reflection by Associate Professor Paul Robertson on the expanded community based mental health services for infants and children; innovative service models including the Child and Family Residential Centre and Child Locals; the development of the new Youth Forensic Mental Health Service and the new statewide 0-25 service that includes separate streams for Infant and Child (0-11 years) & Youth (12-25 years).

Insights by Dr. Evan Symons into work led by Alfred Mental & Addiction Health to grow opportunities for registrar and consultant psychiatrists in recently established and/or co-designed specialty services. This will include the investment in addiction specialty training roles in addiction health, women’s mental health, eating disorders and perinatal psychiatry. He will also showcase new roles for registrars and consultants in a suicide prevention outreach team and psychological trauma service, with a focus on developing expertise in trauma-informed psychosocial interventions.

Discussion by Dr. Nardine Elzahbay about her experience working with new models of care including her work at the Yarra Ranges Mental Health and Wellbeing Local (Lilydale) and working alongside Lived and Living Experience and multidisciplinary teams, using principles of co-design and co-leadership to develop new ways of working.  Nardine will also provide insight into her work with the Victorian Psychiatry Leadership Program and the ways in which this is developing future psychiatry workforce leaders across Victoria.

Lunch will also be provided!


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South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311

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