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Presentations on gender and sexuality at the 2024 Congress

The RANZCP Congress is the major annual psychiatric conference in Australia and New Zealand and consists of hundreds of presentations by individual psychiatrists and other medical and health professionals, as well as people with lived experience.

This year, the program includes a number of diverse presentations on topics relating to gender and sexuality, and gender dysphoria. These include:

  • Detransition and regret following gender affirming treatment for gender dysphoria: what psychiatrists need to know’ (Monday 20 May, Concurrent 2D)
  • ‘Transgender mental health’ (Tuesday 21 May, Concurrent 5B)
  • ‘Gender development in children and adolescents: Role of gender norms and stereotypes’ (Tuesday 21 May, Concurrent 5K)
  • ‘Presidential symposium: Addressing mental health needs of LGBTIQ+ people’ (Tuesday 21 May, Concurrent 6F)
  • ‘Sexuality and psychiatry’ (Wednesday 22 May, Concurrent 7E)

The RANZCP holds the view that scientific conferences provide a forum for respectful academic discussion and debate, where arguments on different sides of complex issues can be presented and where the quality of evidence presented can be examined professionally and respectfully.

Having this opportunity to discuss and challenge the research, and explore different professional views in a professional and academic setting is an essential part of advancing our practice.

For more information, see the RANZCP’s own Position Statement 103: The role of psychiatrists in working with Trans and Gender Diverse people (December 2023)


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