As an integral element of the Congress scientific program, a series of full-day and half-day pre-Congress workshops will be held on Sunday 4 May 2025 at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland.

All workshops will provide valuable insights and discussions across a broad range of topics.

Registration for the workshops is now available via the Congress registration form.

Places are strictly limited and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend booking early to ensure you don't miss out.

Please refer to the workshops below for their specific cost for attendance.

Time: 09:30-16:30
Presenters: Curtis Gray, David Cunnington, Jasneek Chawla, Doug Wilson, Sanil Rege, Chris Blackwell, Sara Winter, Joel Aizenstros, Meryl Dahlitz, Andrew Livingstone
Cost: Standard - A$510 | Registrar - $265
Workshop details

Strong bi-directional relationships exist between sleep and mental health. Up to 90% of patients with depression symptoms report sleep problems, and treating sleep problems often improves mental health symptoms. Sleep problems are prevalent in psychiatric settings, however Australian psychiatrists receive very limited formal sleep medicine education. This full-day workshop will equip psychiatrists with knowledge and tools to support better sleep health in their patients of all ages, and leverage sleep improvements to complement therapeutic interventions.

An expert panel of psychiatrists, sleep physicians and a sleep psychologist will cover the foundations of sleep in psychiatry, common co-morbidities, sleep in ADHD and ASD, and the latest pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to improve sleep in psychiatric patients. The interactive workshop also includes a case study discussion session to apply learnings and troubleshoot sleep problems in psychiatric practice. Attendees will also be invited to provide feedback on a comprehensive psychiatrist sleep medicine education curriculum being developed by the Australasian Sleep Association.
Time: 09:30-16:30
Presenter: David Barison
Cost: Standard - A$510 | Registrar - $265
Workshop details

Transition to Fellowship is a time when we face a steep learning curve in how to apply psychotherapy theory to clinical practice. This workshop aims to enhance core skills in psychotherapy for registrars, early career psychiatrists, and psychiatrists moving from public to private practice. Specific areas covered include:

  • tailoring treatment to the personality style of the patient
  • weighing up differing paradigms and approaches, taking into account patient trajectory and treatment history
  • working with dreams and nightmares
  • working with existential themes
  • working with patients in difficult social circumstances who seek your "advice"
  • techniques for overcoming "stuckness" in psychotherapy
Through exploring case scenarios, brief readings and our collective experiences this workshop aims to stimulate reflection on psychotherapy and provide some new frameworks for working with complex patients. Cases will cover addictions, mood disorders, complex PTSD, and psychotic illness as well as other conditions.
Time: 09:30-16:30
Presenters: Tiago Gandra, Lawrence Leung, Liz Pollock, Rod Pik, Hannah Gunning, Megan Bryan
Cost: Standard - A$510 | Registrar - $265
Workshop details

This workshop explores psychodynamic approaches to the work in the field of personality disorders, focusing on recent conceptual developments and their application across different clinical settings. Participants will learn to bridge psychiatric and psychotherapeutic models of care through presentations and case-based discussions. Emphasizing the relational dimension of the clinical encounter, the workshop aims to enhance clinicians' confidence in the effective application of psychodynamic principles and ideas in a pragmatic and integrative fashion.
Time: 09:30-12:30
Presenters: Korinne Northwood, Dan Siskind, Susanna Every-Palmer, Nicole Korman
Cost: Standard - A$395 | Registrar - $195
Workshop details

This workshop will develop clinician confidence in identifying and managing treatment-refractory psychosis, with a particular focus on clozapine therapy. We welcome any clinician, trainee, or allied health professional who wishes to develop or expand their understanding of contemporary, evidence-based management of patients with complex psychotic illness.

We will offer guidance on commencing and optimising clozapine treatment, management to reduce clozapine-induced ADRs (including metabolic effects), assessing neutropenia and myocarditis risk associated with clozapine over an extended period, present clinical features and monitoring protocols for rechallenge following clozapine-induced myocarditis or agranulocytosis, as well as non-pharmacotherapy augmentation strategies.
Time: 09:30-12:30
Presenters: Loyola McLean and Anthony Korner
Cost: Standard - A$395 | Registrar - $195
Workshop details

This half-day workshop teaches knowledge and skills around building the therapeutic alliance through applying Common Factors theory, informed by a Conversational Model approach called Psychodynamic Interpersonal Therapy that has a nice RCT level of evidence. The two presenters will scaffold learning through role-plays, viewing and discussion of short films or film segments and use of deidentified transcript that allows reflection and discussion of possible therapist contributions to the conversation. We will also share resources including a mini-manual that attendees can take away for deeper study and practice. This workshop is aimed at all clinicians seeking to understand and apply a Common Factors and contemporary approach to building the therapeutic alliance.
Time: 09:30-12:30
Presenter: Neeraj Gill
Cost: Standard - A$395 | Registrar - $195
Workshop details

This workshop aims to discuss the modern human rights framework adopted by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its application to psychiatry. This will include a debate regarding involuntary psychiatric treatment and discussion of complementary concepts of human rights, social justice, social determinants of health and public mental health. The workshop will combine a theoretical discussion on international human rights law, with presentation of several clinical case vignettes and an interactive discussion on how the practice of psychiatry needs to evolve in response to the challenge of human rights. This is an inter-disciplinary workshop, which would be of interest to psychiatrists, psychiatry trainees, other mental health clinicians, lawyers, ethicists, public health experts and persons with lived experience of mental health conditions and their carers.
Time: 09:30-12:30
Presenter: Iris Sommer and Shiral Gangadin
Cost: Standard - A$395 | Registrar - $195
Workshop details

The female sex hormone estrogen has a protective effect during the fertile years, resulting in lower average positive and negative symptoms. On the other hand, affective symptoms are often an integral part of the clinical picture in women, and are likely why women are more frequently diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder than men. Therefore, it is more appropriate to use the term schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) here. This affective component, combined with somewhat milder negative symptoms, can actually increase despair, leading to higher rates of self-harm and suicide attempts in women. Estrogen has a strong influence on dopamine regulation, causing symptom severity to fluctuate over the menstrual cycle, with more severe symptoms during the (pre)menstrual phase. Estrogen also affects the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antipsychotics. However, the influence is not the same for all agents and, moreover, there are few studies on the optimal dose and blood levels specifically for women, so gender-specific pharmacotherapy remains difficult2. In the lecture, I will address these issue in detail, as current knowledge already takes us on the first steps towards gender-sensitive psychiatry.
Time: 13:30-16:30
Presenter: Grant Sara
Cost: Standard – A$395 / Registrar - $195
Workshop details

This workshop is designed for Psychiatrists interested in health systems and services, public health, equity, social determinants of health or the epidemiology of health conditions, who want to learn how to access health data for research. Digitised health care systems collect massive quantities of data. Properly used, those data can support valuable clinical, epidemiological and translational research. However, accessing these data is complex. Three researchers with experiencing using local, state and national data will describe approaches for finding, accessing and using routinely collected Australian health data for mental health research. The workshop will include recent Australian examples and provide opportunities to develop project ideas proposed by participants.
Time: 09:30-16:30
Presenters: Shane Gill, Matthew Coleman, Balaji Motamarri
Cost: A$35
Workshop details

This workshop is designed for RANZCP accredited supervisors who want practical advice on providing feedback to effectively support trainees. This workshop aims to give supervisors guidance around gathering evidence when completing ITAs to fairly reflect trainee performance. This workshop will support supervisors to communicate with trainees in a culturally sensitive and safe way. It aims to give supervisors advice and guidance around how to effectively provide feedback to IMG trainees and trainees in remote settings.
Time: 09:30-12:30
Presenter: Denise Riordan
Cost: A$25
Registrations for Workshop 10 will close at midnight AEST on Sunday 27 April.

Workshop details

This half day workshop is aimed at:
  • Fellows who have been approved to become Substantial Comparability assessors who wish to refresh their skills in order to maintain their accreditation.
  • Existing Substantial Comparability assessors who wish to refresh their skills in order to maintain their accreditation.
  • The workshop involves pre-reading and self-calibration using resources which will be provided.
Attendance is by invitation only – previous accreditation or an approved nomination to become a Substantial Comparability assessor is required for Fellows who wish to attend this workshop.

Fellows who are interested in becoming a Substantial Comparability assessor and have at least three years post-Fellowship experience should contact the Specialist International Medical Graduate team by emailing for details on the approval and accreditation process.
Time: 09:30-12:30
Presenters: Sanjay Patel and Nathan Gibson
Cost: A$25
Workshop details

The Critical essay question (CEQ) examination tests capacity for clinical reasoning, critical thinking and the ability to communicate this efficiently and effectively in a professional writing style, in a time-limited situation.

This workshop is aimed at Trainees and SIMG to prepare for the CEQ.

Members of the Committee for Examinations will discuss the approach to the CEQ, the required standard and how to demonstrate it (what the examiners are looking for), and will highlight skills and strategies for successfully passing this question type. Previously unseen and unused CEQ quotes will be used for training purposes in small group format.
Time: 13:30-16:30
Presenters: Madeline Delves, Adrian Keller, James Smith, Lauren Amor, Lydia Meem, Jaci Richards, Natalie Clarke
Cost: Standard - A$395 | Registrar - $195
Workshop details

Appropriate formulation of autism spectrum conditions in adult psychiatric settings can alleviate distress and improve outcomes. This workshop seeks to build a framework of understanding around autism, discussing management of adult autistic patients within public and private practice settings and offering practical tools. Our aim is to build capacity of clinicians to engage, modify psychological strategies based upon sensory preferences and build emotional resilience within our clients both with and without autism. It is aimed at psychiatrists who work with adults across any setting – public, private, inpatient or outpatient.
Time: 13:30-16:30
Presenters: Nathan Jacobs, Sangeetha Makielan, Jubin Roomiani, Gary Galambos
Cost: Standard - A$395 | Registrar - $195
Workshop details

Psychiatrists and Advanced Trainees with an interest in private practice will enjoy this practical and highly interactive half-day workshop. Four Australian psychiatrists will discuss the innovative ways in which they have used new ideas and technologies to enhance their private practices.

Dr Jacobs will speak about how the implementation of improved practice policies has helped manage patient expectations and increased patient engagement at his psychotherapy practice. Dr Roomiani will discuss how he has used digital tools to improve patient and clinician experiences at his telehealth clinic. Associate Professor Galambos will discuss how he is using clinical outcome measures to review and improve patient outcomes and enhance clinical communication in multidisciplinary teams. Dr Makielan will speak about the approaches she had developed to obtain informed consent and manage privacy and confidentiality when working with young people and their families in her private psychiatric practice.

This workshop will provide examples of activities that private psychiatrists could undertake to meet the Practice Improvement CPD requirements. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have learnt about practical ways to enhance their private practices through improved policies and processes, digital technologies and clinical outcome measures. There will be plenty of opportunities for audience questions and discussions at key points in each presentation, and at the end of the workshop.
Time: 13:30-16:30
Presenter: John Warlow
Cost: Standard - A$395 | Registrar - $195
Workshop details

This workshop will provide a visual/topographical approach to assessment and therapy which can be used in your own professional practice. It will also enhance your unique capacities (process and content) in providing a generic wholeness framework to other practitioners or community organisations. You will be able to individualise this approach to your preferences and the audience concerned. Undergirding this is the desire to enhance the level of community mental health at a population level of care.
Time: 13:30-16:30
Presenter: Richard Harvey
Cost: A$25
Workshop details

This workshop is aimed at Fellows, new Fellows and trainees in the last stages of training. This workshop will provide participants with the understanding and skills to conduct audit activities to meet the requirements of the CPD program.
Time: 13:30-16:30
Presenters: Sanjay Patel and Nathan Gibson
Cost: A$25
Workshop details

The Modified Essay Questions (MEQ) examination is a more clinically focused paper and aims to test the application of knowledge relevant to clinical practice.

This workshop is aimed at Trainees and SIMG to prepare for the MEQ.

Members of the Committee for Examinations will discuss the approach to the MEQ, the required standard and how to demonstrate it (what the examiners are looking for), and will highlight skills and strategies for successfully passing this question type. Small-group workshopping will provide practice with opportunities for discussion. Past candidate submissions will be used to illustrate points.
Time: 0930 -1230
Presenters: Michael Robertson and Tanya Ahmed
Cost: Standard – A$395 / Registrar - $195
Workshop details

Litigation in historical childhood sexual abuse (CSA) claims has escalated since the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Sexual Abuse and significant demand for competent medicolegal assessment in this area has increased. These assessments demand a degree of sophistication in understanding of traumatic stress in childhood and its effects on mental health and psychosocial morbidity, that can only be demonstrated by familiarity with a large body of diverse scientific literature. This workshop will provide an overview of the key points in the scientific literature that will assist in formulation of evidence based medicolegal reporting in this area and enable participants to develop a trauma and culturally informed approach to medicolegal assessment of CSA cases. Through case discussions, participants will understand the key legal issues that rely on expert opinion for resolution.
Time: 1330-1630
Presenters: Anthony Llewellyn, Andrew Teodorczuk, Asela Olupeliyawa, Melissa Renzenbrink
Cost: Standard – A$25
Workshop details

This workshop is designed for trainees who want to improve their CBME literacy and engage more deeply in the new clinical competency framework. This workshop aims to prepare trainees for adopting CBME, including addressing some potential implementation barriers and affording an opportunity to role play and develop their own knowledge, attitudes, and skills.

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