Under the theme Bright lights and big ideas, the Congress will offer a comprehensive scientific program featuring a full range of topics that span the breadth of contemporary psychiatric practice and research.

Call for abstracts key dates

Abstract submission opens 29 July 2024 Add to Calendar
Abstract submission closes for pre-Congress workshops 30 August 2024 Add to Calendar
Notifications sent to authors for pre-Congress workshops 2 October 2024 Add to Calendar
Abstract submission closes for Congress sessions 18 October 2024 Add to Calendar
Notifications sent to authors for Congress sessions 16 December 2024 Add to Calendar
Congress authors acceptance of offer due 13 January 2025 Add to Calendar

Registration key dates

Congress registration opens October 2024
Early-bird registration closes 24 February 2025 Add to Calendar
Abstract presenter registration closes 24 February 2025 Add to Calendar


Please click the titles to expand and to view more information.

Several optional pre-Congress workshops will be held on Sunday 4 May 2025 and delegates will be able to register for these workshops as part of the registration process. Workshops may be submitted as either ‘half day’ (3-4 hours) or ‘full day’ (6 hours).

A 10-minute presentation delivered by one presenting author as part of a rapid-fire oral presentation session. The session will consist of a series of short and sharp presentations with a maximum of 10 slides per speaker.

A 20-minute oral presentation delivered by one presenting author. The Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to allocate your submission to another presentation type if applicable.

Combined submission of a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 individual presentations submitted by one author on behalf of the group and under the one common theme. The standard time allocated per symposium is 90 minutes.

A debate is a formal discussion on a broad issue of general interest, in which opposing arguments are put forward. Submissions are sought for fully formed debates – meaning all presenters required for your debate are included – 3 affirmative and 3 negative. The time allocated per debate is 90 minutes comprised of a 60-minute formal debate followed by 30 minutes for a facilitated discussion. A maximum of 3 debate submissions will be selected for the Congress.

Members of the RANZCP’s Psychiatry Interest Forum are welcome to submit an abstract for consideration. These should be for an oral presentation lasting 15 minutes, delivered by one presenting author.

Posters will be on display for the duration of Congress. Authors will be provided with the opportunity to discuss their presentation with delegates during an informal poster session held over lunch.


The Scientific Program Committee is seeking presentations that are clinically relevant to psychiatrists and other mental health professionals.

Presentations can be related to any sub-specialty or other practice area in psychiatry.

The following themes are broad and inclusive and may provide guidance for your submission:

  • Addiction psychiatry
  • Adult psychiatry
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry
  • Community/consumer/carer issues
  • Consultation-liaison psychiatry
  • Forensic psychiatry
  • History and philosophy of psychiatry
  • Indigenous mental health
  • Intellectual and developmental disability psychiatry
  • Leadership and management; organizational psychiatry
  • Mental health and LGBTQIA+
  • Neurostimulation
  • Perinatal and infant psychiatry
  • Private practice psychiatry
  • Psychiatry of old age
  • Psychotherapy
  • Rehabilitation
  • Training and education
  • Women in psychiatry
  • Women’s mental health
  • Youth mental health
  • Other


Abstract submission is a three-step process:

Download the relevant abstract template, save it to your desktop and complete it. Abstracts submitted not using the correct template will be returned for correction.

  • Text must be in Arial, 10pt font and single-spaced.
  • Your abstract text should follow the specified word limit within the template, excluding title and authors.
  • Ensure all acronyms are written out in full when first mentioned and the acronym inserted in brackets.
  • Ensure all references cited are detailed in full at the end of the abstract text.
  • Your abstract should clearly, and where applicable, concisely outline the Background, Objectives, Methods, Findings and Conclusions.
  • After completing the template, move onto step 2.

Create an account/log into the abstract submission portal.

  • Firstly, you must create an account in order to upload an abstract. To begin, please click on the ‘Submit an abstract’ button above.
  • Once you have done this, please click ‘Create new account’. Your contact details will be required to create the account. You will then be automatically logged in to the submission portal.
  • Within the submission portal you can upload your abstract, complete the submission information and review presenter terms and conditions.

Submitting your abstract:
Click on the ‘Abstract submission’ tab in the top menu. You will be required to provide the following details prior to uploading the abstract

  • Abstract title
  • Presentation type (preference only)
  • Theme
  • Name and organisation of all co-presenters and co-authors
  • A brief biography for the presenting author/s. Each biography should be no more than 100 words.
  • Your completed abstract

Please note:

  • All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will be returned to the author and must be completed in the correct format to be considered for inclusion in the program.
  • All fields on the online abstract submission form must be completed; you will not be able to submit an abstract through the portal until all areas are completed.
  • Abstracts that do not include results or state that “results will be presented” may be subject to rejection.
  • If you wish to make changes, edit or replace your existing submitted abstract/s you are able to do so until Friday 18 October 2024 by contacting the Program Coordinator via email to hannah@wsm.com.au.
  • Abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author who should complete all fields on the online submission form.
  • Submission of your abstract/s implies you have read, understood and comply with the terms and conditions as outlined in the abstract submission portal.


Please click on the applicable button below to download and save the relevant template.


Abstract review notification and allocation to the program will be communicated to the corresponding authors on Wednesday, 2 October 2024.

Please note the details provided as the author contact should be for the nominated main contact for your abstract. All correspondence relating to the submission will be directed to this person and they should in turn distribute to all co-presenters. Acceptance of this offer must be notified to the Congress Office by no later than Wednesday, 16 October 2024.

Pre-Congress workshop presenters are entitled to complimentary registration for themselves and up to five (5) of their co-presenters to attend the workshop. Should the author have more than five (5) co-presenters, additional complimentary registrations will be considered on a case-by-case basis and a final decision will be made by the Co-Convenors.

All workshops will be delivered in person to an in-person audience only and the ability and willingness to present on the Gold Coast will be a condition of acceptance into the scientific program.

Abstract review notification and allocation to the program will be communicated to the corresponding authors on Monday, 16 December 2024.

Please note the details provided as the author contact should be for the nominated main contact for your abstract. All correspondence relating to the submission will be directed to this person and they should in turn distribute to all co-presenters.

Acceptance of this offer must be notified to the Congress Office by no later than Monday, 13 January 2025.

All Congress sessions will be delivered in person and the ability and willingness to present on the Gold Coast will be a condition of acceptance into the scientific program.


The invitation to submit an abstract does not constitute an offer to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the Congress. Similarly, no presenter fee is paid to successful participants. Presentations must be delivered in person and the ability and willingness to present on the Gold Coast will be a condition of acceptance into the scientific program.

All presenters must register for the Congress before 24 February 2025 for their presentation to be included in the Congress program.


For any enquiries regarding abstract submission please contact the Congress Office:

RANCZP 2025 Congress Office
119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311
E ranzcp@wsm.com.au

Thank you to our destination sponsor

119 Buckhurst Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311

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