Please click the titles to expand and to view more information.
As you are scrolling through the program page, you can click on 'Add to my program' within each session you are interested in. The be added to your 'My Program' button within the app. Your booked social functions will automatically appear on this page.
During the sessions, you will be asked to submit any questions you may have for the presenters via the app. To do so, select the 'Program' icon, then the session you are attending, then select 'Live Q&A' and simply enter your question and click submit. You can choose to submit the question anonymously or so that it displays your name. In this section, you can also view questions submitted by other delegates, both those onsite and those watching the live stream on the virtual platform.
This is a list of all attendees that have agreed to share their details. If you would like to update your own privacy preferences at any time, you can change these through the 'Privacy' icon on the app.
This QR code is personal to your record and, when scanned, contains your contact details. Throughout the event, if you wish to receive further information from our supporters and exhibitors, they can scan your QR code and capture your contact details. This is also the code you should present upon arrival at the Convention Centre for printing your name badge.
If you wish to scan another delegate's name badge, you can do so through this icon. Later, you can export your list of contacts. If a badge won't scan, it is because that person has their privacy setting on 'Opt out - do not share my contact details'.
Information will be sent out by the organisers at regular intervals, and these messages will appear here as notifications.
The Congress program and timings are based on Canberra time. If you are finding that your app isn't displaying the correct times, please visit the 'Privacy' icon, scroll down to 'Time Zone' and select 'Device time zone' (if your phone is set to Canberra time) or 'Event time zone' (if you would like your phone to stay on your local city's time zone).